2015 - A Blessed, Thankful Life

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
(on a hospital wall)

I am thankful to the Lord, my God, for:

- the birth of our Savior
- a babe in a manger
- a star shining in the night
- shepherds in a field
- a choir of angels
- His assurance that He is with us always
- family
- good friends

- my warm coat
- country quiet
- life and breath
- my five senses
- a sky full of blackbirds
- photographs
- memories
- Advent season
- a new warm coat
- finding my winter gloves
- progress on our new shed
- so far, a warm winter
- rain, not ice
- Thanksgiving dinner with family
- safe travel
- dry, fragrant hay
- a simple life
- Cracker, our LGD
- a warm and long-lasting autumn
- a bountiful herb garden
- transportation
- our furnace
- good winter grazing for the horses
- a beautiful sunset
- the sweet scent of the osage oranges
- a cat come home
- the ability to work
- a friend's release from the hospital
- a day spent with my daughter-in-law
- geese flying across the sky
- bright leaves clinging stubbornly to the trees
- a last red rose
- rain and a fall-like day
- comfort food 
- our furnace
- long-sleeved shirts
- a new pair of flannel-lined jeans
- good news
- family birthdays
- rain after a long dry spell
- growing chicks
- brilliant fall color
- cool fall mornings
- migrating butterflies
- an opportunity to share
- projects worked on
- the help of a friend
- cooler days that allow me to work outside
- crisp nights with stars that sparkle in the velvet sky
- more projects in progress
- sunrise to sunset
- a missing cat come back home
- ripe apples
- crisp, cool mornings
- the knocking of a woodpecker in the woods
- our dog waiting on the porch when I get home
- the growing chicks
- this place
- His peace
- autumn
- our children and grandchildren
- our sons-in-law and daughter-in-law
- hubby's last radiation treatment
- my dog Pete's devotion
- Ella's soft horsey nose
- spicy scent of basil
- the first ripe apples from our trees
- the county fair is over
- visiting with friends I don't see often
- hugging a goat that was born on our homestead several years ago
- perfect weather
- the change to fall weather patterns
- a trailer full of hay
- that I still have strength to move hay bales, although I spread it out over a few days
- no rain in the forecast this week so the bales could stay on the trailer for several days
- running water
- encouragement
- our grandson's third birthday
- my husband who can catch frogs in the kitchen and fix walls and stuff
- the cooler weather we've had this week
- my horse, Ella
- a bit of rain
- my husband, who knows how to fix air conditioners and stuff
- B's new job
- this week's cooler temperatures, 80's in August
- lunch with a friend
- knowing that autumn isn't far away
- a cool evening to mow the lawn
- rain to water the garden
- the first red tomato
- my horse's velvety nose
- lasagna
- a shed
- Matt's help
- God's perfect timing
- new chicks
- a Monarch butterfly
- our wedding anniversary
- lunch with the newlyweds
- not having to water the garden because it rained
- a friend's answered prayer
- possibilities
- an overabundance of plums
- a brilliant sunrise
- air conditioning
- the smell of freshly-mowed grass
- phone calls from family
- rain when we need it
- sunflowers that make me smile
- a pond full of water
- happy voices
- the rooster's crow
- our son's wedding
- our new daughter-in-law
- relatives I haven't seen for awhile
- hugging the grandbabies
- everyone's safe travel home
- extended family
- seeing my brother after many years
- holding babies
- help with projects
- relief from the heat, even though it was temporary
- ideas
- support from friends
- the plums beginning to ripen
- a finished project
- a timely rain storm
- golden sunrises
- day lilies
- the scent of mimosa blooms
- cherry tomatoes
- finished projects
- courage
- drying out mud
- tomato plants
- God's grace and mercy
- some dry days ahead
- projects coming together
- an abundance of green to feed the livestock
- the hope of new ducklings this week
- God's love for each of us
- safety from nearby storms
- our daughter's neighbor's quick thinking
- hubby's recovery day by day
- meeting some sweet people
- God's plans working themselves out
- safety from spring storms
- faith that gets us through life's storms
- abundant vegetation that provides food for humans and livestock
- roses in bloom
- chickens in my yard
- hubby's continuing recovery
- more rain
- turtles in the pond
- blue skies and fluffy clouds
- an almost-daily egg from my one and only hen
- good news from hubby's doctor
- lunch with our son and daughter-in-law-to-be
- my children and grandchildren
- memories of Mom, Grandma, Grandmother, and Gram
- roses
- hubby's continued improvement
- heavy baby fruit on the trees
- blackberries in bloom
- the horses' slick spring coats
- duck eggs
- that hubby came through his surgery well
- family who sat with me at the hospital
- a bridal shower
- the pond filling up
- rain
- His guidance
- green leaves, grass, and wildflowers
- mornings that are cool and sweet
- apple blossoms
- butterflies
- sunshine, warm days and slight breezes
- decluttering and saving
- our son checking on us after the storms
- the tornado missing our friends
- no hail or wind damage
- sunshine
- daffodils and the first wildflowers of spring
- longer days
- keeping in touch
- finding an old photo album, and memories
- Ziva's healthy little buckling
- rain
- the rising water level in the pond
- flowers on the plum trees
- green shoots of the daffodils beginning to grow
- the curls in Ella's red mane and forelock when it's humid
- rain and snow to fight the drought and fire danger
- the man at the feed store who carefully tied a round bale on my truck
- warm winter clothing and four-wheel-drive
- discovering hidden talents in people
- getting the round bale home without losing it on the way and
- that it rolled off  the truck on the first try and
- came to rest right against the tree where hubby always puts it
- spotting the horses every morning on the right side of the fence
- the heater in the horses' water trough
- a sunny day after gloom and clouds
- much-needed moisture
- sprouting seeds
- family solidity
- talks with my brother
- enough food on our table
- being warm on cold nights
- warm days that remind me of spring
- leaf buds on the elm trees
- Jesus' gift to all mankind
- a phone call
- a sunny, warm day
- working on the goat shed with hubby
- finishing a project
- faith
- strength to fix a fence
- 3 beautiful warm days in January
- listening to our son on the radio
- a birthday celebration
- wedding plans
- ducks on the pond
- my birthday
- a special family dinner
- the opportunity to learn something new
- family & friends
- sunset, purple clouds swirling up into the orange sky
- a warm spell in winter
- photos of our adorable grandchildren
- hubby's offer of dinner out after a very long day
- cardinals at the bird feeder
- getting through the super-cold weather this week
- electricity and modern conveniences
- water hoses that work
- sunny skies
- the new year ahead
- a new page of a new calendar
- waking up to no snow and no ice after all
- boundless puppy energy
- cat naps

Silver Sunday

Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is Your name in all the earth!
You have set Your glory above the heavens.
Psalm 8:1 NIV
