2024 - A Year of Expectation


I am thankful to the Lord, my God, for:

May 5, 2024

- rain
- first harvest from the garden: strawberries and cherry tomatoes
- the reward of physical labor, and that I'm physically able to do it
- how much the garden grew while we were out of town
- prayer warriors

April 28, 2024

- safe travel
- visiting family, and a few side trips along the way
- making memories
- coming home
- good neighbors

April 21, 2024

- movie date
- finding an easier route home from the Big City
- phone calls and texts from "all my children"
- discovering prickly lettuce plants 
- absolutely beautiful weather to be in the garden

April 14, 2024

- cardinals at the bird feeder
- beautiful blooms on the yellow iris
- longer days and warmer temperatures
- seeds sprouting in the garden
- phone calls from family
- watching the eclipse

April 7, 2024

- leaf buds on the oak tree
- yellow iris flowers 
- baby lilac bush
- more comfrey starts to pot up
- the goodness of God

March 31, 2024

- Resurrection Sunday, the empty tomb
- saved by grace!
- Easter dinner with family
- visiting my former coworkers
- a new job in the family

March 24, 2024

- redbud trees
- phone calls from family
- tomato plants
- family trip to the National Cowboy Museum
- working in the garden

March 17, 2024

- "working" in the garden, and the physical ability to do so
- peas and potato sprouts
- tomato and pepper plants
- last year's compost
- surprise daffodils

March 10, 2024

- gorgeous weather, and spending time in the garden
- rain
- cardinals at the bird feeder
- flowering trees and shrubs
- the right to vote

March 3, 2024

- much-needed rain
- tiny green leaves on the lilac bushes
- maybe an early spring? No freezing nights in the 10-day forecast
- our dogs and cat who get along so very well
- finishing up that month-long challenge to walk outside every day

Earlier this year...

- getting the onions and potatoes planted in gorgeous weather
- daffodils in bloom
- eating a weekday breakfast out
- phone calls and texts from our children
- our oldest granddaughter's engagement!
- spending the day with our son and his family
- watching the birds at the feeders
- spring breezes
- continuing to walk that mile a day
- a good report from the eye specialist
- sunshine after rain... and then more rain. Always thankful for spring rain!
- daffodil spears breaking ground
-Thor squeaking at birds through the window
- our granddaughters' birthdays
- two new raised garden beds in progress, to replace the two that were lost in last year's tornado
- a challenge to walk one mile outside every day this month. I'm at 100% - even though it's rained and I was bitten by a dog on the first day. Perseverence. Stubbornness?
- an excellent sermon. He doesn't mind stepping on toes, that's for sure.
- robins and meadowlarks
- sunny days in the 60's and 70's
- a new challenge
- new ideas
- a grandchild's birthday
- my birthday
- lots of slow and steady rain
- birds at the feeders
- a gardening event at the local college
- birthday phone calls and cards
- watching snow flurries through the window
- new house slippers
- finding two little comfrey plants growing in the grass in the garden, from roots that escaped from the potted plants. I left the pots sit on the grass too long and when I moved them, the roots broke loose. Viola! New plants!
- watchng our corgi Simon run through the snow, even though we only have a good dusting
- our daughter-in-law passing her teaching exam!!
- snow flurries
- warm blankets on the beds
- re-reading a favorite book
- opportunities and plans
- sparrows at the bird feeder, and a cardinal on the fence
- the "word of the year" He has given me for 2024: Multiply. I have no idea where that one will lead me, but I'm waiting in expectation.
- Thor, my cat, who is so happy to have "his" chair back in the living room after we took down the Christmas tree. He's so happy that he stayed in the living room while we had company (absolutely unheard of!)
- our son and his family's visit. We love having them over any time they can come! We had homemade macaroni and cheese for lunch, and worked on a very hard puzzle of cats. I don't know if we'll ever actually finish this one. It's crazy.
- blankets and coats and gloves and warm clothes for our annual January cold snap
- lumber for two more raised garden beds