2017 - A Simple, Beautiful Life

A sorrel horse in a frosty pasture

I am thankful to the Lord, my God, for:


- a new year with new opportunities
- the front yard full of cardinals and blue jays at the feeders
- rose hips
- the tank heater in the horses' water trough
- ice cream, even in December
- God's gift of His Son, Jesus Christ
- the prophecy of His birth
- memories of Christmases past, with loved relatives who are now gone
- my family
- the two new little babies who joined our family this year
- the Light in the darkness, Jesus Christ
- a bit of rain in the forecast
- our baby grandson's giggle
- Christmas traditions
- hearing from the grandgirls
- hubby's birthday
- my warm coat and gloves
- our furnace
- a cat in my lap
- hand-knitted sweaters
- a successful surgery for a family member
- warm winter days
- birds at the feeders
- a family of blue jays
- Advent season


- our new granddaughter
- an important family birthday
- visiting out-of-state family I haven't seen in too long
- lunch with my brother and sister-in-law
- blue jays in the front yard
- visiting family
- a first birthday
- the smell of good hay
- birds at the feeder in the yard
- my winter coat and gloves
- new opportunities
- visiting with far-away family
- eating an apple from our tree
- baking sweet potatoes from the garden for dinner
- herb plants on the kitchen windowsill
- a "date night" with hubby
- one little duckling
- some color in the leaves (best seen through my sunglasses)
- lunch with our newest grandson and his parents
- opportunities to pray for others


- in this last week before the first frost of the winter: armfuls of rosemary, comfrey and other herbs, bell peppers and sweet potatoes, apples from our trees, replanting bulbs of garlic that I harvested in June
- a white egret on the pond
- the horses finally growing their winter coats after several chilly mornings
- peace in the chicken coop and pullets' first eggs
- spending an afternoon with our children and new grandson
- the Lord's grace and mercy
- the beauty of migrating butterflies
- goldfinches feeding on the wild sunflowers' seeds
- a close-up view of a red-tailed hawk
- a "first egg" from our pullets
- harvesting sweet potatoes
- holding our baby grandson
- a tiny frog swimming in a puddle
- finishing several big projects
- new opportunities
- the first cardinal of the season
- our grandson is healthy
- the rabbit in the garden is no longer in the garden
- spending an afternoon with hubby
- homegrown beeswax
- rain and cooler days


- the birth of our grandson this week
- holding that newborn grandson just hours after birth
- the smell of newly-baled hay
- our winter's hay supply stored away
- the first day of autumn, my favorite season
- quiet time to think and to pray
- a nap
- talking to my children on the phone
- a family member's recovery from an injury
- friends
- the last day of the county fair
- an excellent hamburger
- the privilege of praying for friends and family
- answered prayer 
- a gorgeous sunset
- two little Muscovy ducklings in the coop
- cooler weather coming this week
- sweet potatoes in the garden
- a white egret on the pond
- the first falling leaves


- hubby and I were both under the weather this week but are feeling better now
- subtle signs of fall
- almost-ripe apples on our tree
- new ducklings in the coop
- green grass in August and the horses still sleek and fat
- rain, rain, rain! Glorious rain in August!
- a grandson's birthday
- my sewing machine
- knowing that the seasons will change in God's timing
- white egrets at the pond
- a rainy weekend
- green pastures in August
- goldfinches
- watching the bees gathering nectar
- email
- a pair of goldfinches on the wild sunflowers bordering my garden
- more rain
- visiting an old friend
- apples and pork
- a great year for tomatoes


- window air-conditioner units in a pinch!
- our dog Rosie, the goats' protector
- my horse Ella's shiny copper-colored coat and soft muzzle
- unexpected flowers
- cooler temperatures in the forecast
- visiting family
- a baby shower
- a young friend's wedding
- safe travel
- red, ripe tomatoes from the garden
- spending time with our granddaughter
- our oldest's birthday
- easy dinners on hot evenings
- our kid-safe horse, Splash
- and, as always in the summer, air conditioning
- our granddaughter's annual summer visit
- that our daughter sends her to us every summer, a real blessing
- over four inches of rain this week
- ripe cherry tomatoes in abundance
- air conditioning
- rain in June
- the privilege of praying for others in need
- Independence Day
- sweet tea
- His protection and guidance


- finding a salamander in the bathtub - because it wasn't anything worse!
- long days and late sunshine
- dragonflies over the pond
- fragrant, summer-blooming flowers
- the garden, green and growing 
- bees on the squash flowers in the garden
- the first red tomatoes
- listening to the large population of mockingbirds this year singing in the mornings
- watching three young wild rabbits chase each other in circles in the barnyard
- letting the 2-month-old chicks loose in the coop 
- a family birthday
- remembering my Dad on what would have been his birthday
- garden produce
- bees buzzing in the clover
- the scent of mimosa flowers on a cool morning

- This week I was blessed by a little spot of joy in my day. As I stopped at a red light on my way home from town, a small sparrow landed on my driver's side-view mirror. We looked at each other through the window for several long minutes until the light turned green and I had to move on, which I did slowly so the little bird could fly off safely.
    Why did that little sparrow choose to land on my truck's mirror? What an unusual spot! I thought of Luke 12:6 and was reminded of how much God is aware of my life and how much He loves me. I'm thankful for this reminder of God's love.


- a hummingbird in the comfrey patch
- in the beehive: eggs, larvae and capped brood, pollen and honey
- the Rhode Island red chicks growing and friendly
- NOT finding a snake in the chicken coop
- a preschool graduation
- an abundance of rain but no severe weather or damage from the storms
- zucchini blossoms and baby tomatoes
- hummingbirds at the feeder
- the privilege of praying for someone in need
- ice cream
- memories of my mother and grandmothers, all they taught me, and the examples they set for me as I grew up
- family members recovering well from surgery
- rain, but no severe weather
- wildflowers in bloom
- the ducklings all gone to new homes
- turtles sunning on the banks of the pond
- spending time in the garden
- the first hummingbird at the feeder
- hearing a bee buzzing by
- pink rosebuds


- tiny, day-old chicks
- the honks of Canada geese winging past
- a scissortail flycatcher on a fence wire
- cardinals at the birdfeeder
- the Muscovy ducklings "talking" to me
- this week I was able to "see" both of our grandchildren-to-be via ultrasound. I'm thankful for these two little lives whose hearts are already beating. 
- the technology that allowed this
- dinner with extended family
- lots and lots of rain with no severe weather
- a neighbor sharing her garden bounty
- Jesus resurrected!
- that He paid the price for my sins
- and I am forgiven in the sight of the Lord
- the Passover Moon, orange and full
- a luna month under the porch light
- the first blooms on the knock-out rose bushes
- rain to water the garden
- a pair of Canada geese on the pond one morning
- a visit to see our great-grandbaby
- our farm sitter
- apple blossoms, and how wonderful our yard smells right now
- bees and butterflies
- coming home
- God's guidance and
- His blessings
- grace
- a visit with our granddaughter and great-grandson
another grandbaby on the way!


- visiting our grandchildren
- blooming trees and bushes
- daffodils
- a beautiful display of redbuds in bloom
- our firefighters who have battled our recent wildfires
- our children and grandchildren
- a windless day
- the feel of soil between my fingers and the earthy smell of the garden
- wild ducks on the pond
- one of our Muscovy ducks brooding eggs
- firefighters who have worked tirelessly this past week
- rain and a lower fire danger
- tiny little leaves on the trees
- spotting a bluebird, and a goldfinch in winter plumage
- the first great blue heron I've seen on the pond in years
- that this week's wildfires haven't come close
- forsythias and daffodils in neighbors' yards
- winter's inevitable giving-way to spring
- the softer light of spring
- duck eggs


- flowers and leaves, signs of spring
- a sheen of green in the pasture
- the softer light of spring
- bees and other pollinators
- rain!
- a granddaughter's birthday
- volunteer firefighters in this hot, dry weather
- friendship
- lengthening days and beautiful sunsets
- God's goodness and mercy
- good results for hubby's medical test
- time spent in my garden on warm days
- protection from wildfire in this dangerous dry weather
- the songbirds wintering in our yard and at our feeders
- tiny leaves on my rosebushes
- lunch out with hubby
- leaves on the plum trees
- and on the rosebushes
- green grass
- an increase in eggs in the nestboxes


- a newly-expected grandchild
- nice weather for an outdoor event last weekend
- plenty of hay still in the hayshed
- a learning opportunity
- my birthday
- wonderful news!
- a stunning sunrise
- rain to ease the drought
- spotting a robin
- catching up with friends
- our predicted ice storm didn't amount to much ice
- rain
- friendships
- even though it's been sad, this week I've been remembering loved ones that are no longer with us.
- the privilege of prayer
- enough snow to make the world pretty for a day
- that the snow melted after just one day
- birds at the feeders
- that spring follows winter
- the Greatest Gift, Jesus Christ
- knowing that He is in control no matter what happens
- bright, sunny and warm winter days
- spending the holidays with family
- horses outlined in golden setting sunshine
- cherry pie

Silver Sunday

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies?
Yet not one of them is forgotten by God.
Luke 12:6 NIV


A Thankful life in 2018

A Beautiful, Ordinary Life in 2016