2018 - What a Grateful Life

I am thankful to the Lord, my God, for:

- a quiet night with stars twinkling brightly in the high heavens
- our youngest grandson climbing into his grandpa's lap
- and his first "ride" on a horse
- our old horse Splash, who loves kids
- the thoughtfulness of others
- good weather for holiday travelers
- songbirds at our feeders
- nights that stay above freezing
- the shortest day of the year, because now each day will have a few more minutes of daylight!
- celebrating the birth of Christ
 - an ice storm that didn't happen
- cupcakes
- an invitation
- dinner out with hubby
- seed catalogs
- my "new" barn coat that keeps me warm in the coldest weather
- December birthdays
- new pictures of our grandchildren
- Christmas cards
- mysterious packages 
- spending a day with our son and his family
- a couple of perfect-weather days in November
- a toasted slice of homemade oatmeal bread for breakfast
- hot cocoa topped with whipped cream
- five Canada geese on our pond 


- a first and a second birthday in our family
- the last apples falling off our tree in the wind
- fuzzy winter coats on the horses
- Oklahoma's usually-mild winters
- homegrown sweet potatoes on our holiday table
- a shed full of hay bales for the winter
- our dog Rosie who watches over the goats
- friends who join us in prayer
- being able to rest and fight off a cold
- two family birthdays this coming week
- cold weather that proves winter is coming
- the first frost that ends bug season
- the fiery leaves of a maple tree in town
- a carpet of dry leaves in the barnyard
- a mug of hot chocolate on a cold morning
- the peachy autumn leaves on the maple tree
- the right to vote
- 2-3 eggs a day even while the hens are molting
- cool, crisp mornings that require a hoodie
- hitting my step goal several days in a row


- catching up
- getting Rosie back in the goat pen
- our cats' amusing antics because laughter is good medicine
- bees at the hummingbird feeder (the hummers have migrated)
- a steady stream of monarch butterflies headed south
- birthdays
- autumn rain
- cleaning up the garden
- pumpkins
- the beauty of fall
- the changing of the seasons
- shorter days and pretty sunsets
- falling leaves
- safe travel
- family
- migrating monarch butterflies
- my bees
- picking apples off our trees, and giving the windfalls to the horses
- a freshly-laid brown egg
- a sweet gift of chocolate


- finishing up my big fall project
- digging up sweet potatoes
- picking apples from our trees
- a big metal rooster
- spending a fun day with hubby
- cool mornings
- autumn, my favorite season
- apples from our trees
- a parking space
- a day at the state fair
- a rainbow
- falling leaves
- cooler mornings
- autumn
- our grandson's birthday
- the busiest week of the year at work is over
- a day to relax and worship the Lord
- a good night's sleep
- visiting with old friends
- the end of summer
- apples
- apple pie and baked apples
- a cooler than normal August
- monarch butterflies flying south
- laughing at our kitten Thor's antics


- a grandchild's birthday
- faith and hope
- Rosie watching over our goats
- stewed tomatoes
- friends who step in when needed
- rain in August
- our riding lawnmower
- hummingbirds
- my horse Ella's long eyelashes
- my glasses
- God's mercy
- August rain
- garden produce
- flowers
- air conditioning
- our granddaughter's wedding
- new tools that make our workload easier
- ripening tomatoes
- a few days of below-normal temperatures 
- summer rainstorms


- our anniversary
- lunch with our son, daughter-in-law, and grandson
- rain in July
- and still having to mow the grass
- the first tomatoes
- our oldest daughter's birthday
- our baby grandson standing
- cherry tomatoes to snack on
- a delicious, ripe cantaloupe
- the wild sunflowers in bloom
- our barn cat came home
- a new barn kitten
- the first tomatoes with a hint of red in the garden
- finishing some small garden projects
- a cool front and a chance of rain
- on my way back to the house after feeding in the evenings, when the day has cooled off just a bit, I enjoy sitting on the front steps and watching the hummingbirds at the feeders. I know today's birds are just passing through on their way north, and tomorrow's birds might not be the same birds I'm seeing tonight. I wonder how they are able to find my yard where the feeders hang near trees that provide cover and a place to rest, except that they must be directed here by the Lord, Who watches over each sparrow. These few minutes are an enjoyable way to close out the day.


- more rain
- opportunities and decisions
- baby tomatoes on the vines
- fireflies and damselflies
- the beginning of hay season
- the Lord, my Father
- my dad
- my husband
- my son, who this year is a dad too
- my sons-in-law
- baby tomatoes
- tiny frogs with big voices
- eating our garden harvest
- a surprise rain storm
- air conditioning on hot afternoons
- cool mornings before the day's heat sets in
- tiny frogs with big voices
- hummingbirds that stop in our yard on their way northward
- scissortail flycatchers on the barbed wire fences
- a surprise thunderstorm


- coming home
- a new raised bed finished!
- tomato plants
- overnight rain
- a scissortail flycatcher in the yard
- a frog singing outside the window at night
- fireflies
- cool morning hours spent in the garden
- a young duck hen setting on eggs
- hope
- four generations of family
- surprises!
- yellow roses on my newest rosebush
- sharing my yellow iris rhizomes 
- hummingbirds at the feeders
- potato plants growing well after being nipped by frost
- rain, and finding my rain gauge
- getting rid of the snakes that were eating the ducks' eggs
- a plethora of daffodils this year
- a bud on the new yellow rosebush


- the quiet of living in the country
- birdsong and buzzing bees
- nearing the end of a big project
- the first whippoorwill call of the year
- friends who encourage me and hold me accountable
- grandbabies growing and thriving
- our last frost
- much-needed rain
- geese flying overhead
- our barn kitty come home
- visiting family
- hubby who cared for the animals while I was gone
- spending time with a few of my grandchildren
- hiking with my granddaughter
- seeing sandhill cranes for the first time, plus eagles, antelope and wild horses (and a new foal!)
- coming home
- visiting family
- little babies growing up
- green grass growing
- shade trees
- sprouts in the garden


- a downy woodpecker peck, peck, pecking on a fallen branch in the barnyard
- a home project finished, another in progress
- a new job for a friend, a new project for another
- perennials come back to life in spring
- horses shedding their winter coats
- deer in the hayfield
- the first meadowlarks of spring
- new calves in pastures down the road
- leaves on the rosebushes
- my horses's coat wet from playing in the pond on a very warm day
- our plum tree in full bloom
- cleaning up the garden
- a new rose bush
- the neighbors' daffodils
- the buzzing of foraging bees
- more rain 
- tiny spikes of green grass in the yard
- being serenaded by frogs at the pond
- foraging bees
- duck eggs


- last night's rain
- the henbit greening up in the lawn
- a warm day to turn the compost pile
- being "buzzed" by bees on a warm day
- making progress on our goals
- our granddaughter's recovery from illness
- the discovery of antibiotics
- watching a "V" of geese flying across the sky
- the first duck egg of the year
- His promise that spring is coming
- cardinals on the bare tree branches
- turning the compost pile on a warm-ish winter day
- seeing the lunar eclipse at daybreak
- the rising sun giving the horses a "silver lining"
- visiting with our grandson
- rain, rain, rain! 
- green weeds beginning to grow along the fenceline
- early leaves on some of the trees
- our furnace that kept us warm last week
- my boots that keep my feet dry in the mud puddles


- warmer days
- my fuzzy blanket and my lap cat
- dinner in the crockpot
- the late afternoon sun highlighting the horses' manes and tails in gold
- a light rain (not snow!)
- sleeping in a little
- visiting with friends
- people helping other people
- watching the birds at the feeders through my kitchen window
- a horse's nicker when I go outside
- warm winter gear still in our closets from our "former life"
- streamlining my outdoor chores before winter arrived in earnest
- the farrier's visit on a warm-ish day last week
- our furnace, working hard to keep us warm
- hot chocolate with whipped cream in my favorite turquoise mug
- that we made it through the cold weather
- a warm and sunny Saturday to catch up on outside work
- my bees actively flying around on that warm Saturday
- starting a new year at the beginning of my Bible
- the sun setting later every evening

Silver Sunday

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.
Psalm 107:1 NIV


A Simple, Thankful Life in 2019