2019 - A Simple, Thankful Life

I am thankful to the Lord, my God, for:

December 2019
- celebrating the birth of our Savior
- God's grace, mercy and forgiveness
- Christmas dinner with our family
- hubby's continuing healing from his surgery
- rain after a long dry spell

- bringing home our cat from the vet's clinic after three days in "the hospital"
- a Christmas celebration with my work family, all of whom know the true reason for the holiday
- hubby's day by day improvement
- the tank heater that keeps the horses' water from freezing
- chocolate chip cookies warm from the oven
- hubby's back surgery and progress
- staying overnight with my children while hubby was in the hospital
- our family's holiday traditions
- comfort food
- knowing that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him
- a warm and sunny December day
- the horses' fuzzy winter coats
- getting home after dark, but being greeted by the animals at the gate
- the fresh, summer smell of a newly-opened bale of hay
- getting together with family to celebrate a birthday
- our daughter-in-law and grandson are ok after their car accident
- Thanksgiving spent with family and friends
- a full table and plenty of leftovers to feed us over the weekend
- sharing the holiday with a young man from Europe, his first American Thanksgiving
- our farrier's comment that "Splash looks amazing!"

November 2019
- the opportunity to spend extra time with our grandson
- this month's family birthdays
- planning for Thanksgiving
- remembering Thanksgiving celebrations past, with family members who are no longer with us
- cooking the recipes that have been on our family's holiday table for generations
- our powerful flashlight that allows me to feed my animals in the dark and keeps me from tripping in holes the dogs have dug in the yard.
- my coat and gloves that keep me warm during this cold snap, and my ski pants (leftover from our days of living up north) that have been SO welcome on some really cold mornings.
- reliable transportation that gets us where we need to be when people are depending on us.
- watching the sun rise and the sun set
- donuts and coffee
- the water trough heater that keeps the horses' water from freezing, and the heated bucket for the goats, plus opportunities to refill the trough and bucket when the temperature was above freezing.
- my boss, friends and others who have been so understanding.
- His plan, whatever it may be. His plan is always good.
- answered prayers
- the dawn's early light 
- the scent of lemon balm that hasn't yet succumbed to the frost
- plenty of rain 
- that God is in control, no matter what happens, and His plan is good
- Hubby's help to repair the chicken coop window (it's heavy!)
- changing leaves
- my heavy winter barn coat (bought second-hand last year) and gloves in this very cold weather
- a true blessing in our family
- my work family

October 2019
- October is our family's big birthday month. I'm thankful for my friends and family members who were born in October.
- spotting a large buck deer on the far side of our pond one morning this week
- our road crew making improvements, even though it meant our road was closed for a day
- lunch with our son and his family today
- cool mornings and absolutely lovely fall afternoons
- apples in abundance
- a frosty morning, but warmer days in the forecast for awhile
- harvesting the herbs before the cold front arrived
- our furnace
- the Holy Spirit 
-  cooler weather - I am ALWAYS thankful for autumn weather! It will soon be cool enough to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate again, to turn off the air conditioning, and to dig out my favorite long-sleeved tops.
- a morning spent babysitting our grandson
- our granddaughter's first Homecoming dance
- our son's and daughter-in-law's opportunity to mentor some fine young men for the next several months
- I am so thankful for my part-time job. Not many people can say that there is zero drama in their workplace, but it's true where I work. We all get along. We all help each other out and support each other. We genuinely like each other. Thank You for such a great place to work, and for this opportunity to serve others.

September 2019
- the results of a family member's medical test.
- a huge number of Canada geese in the sky, four large V's of them at once, winging their way to warmer weather.
- bringing home our winter's supply of hay and storing it safely away
- a quick trip to visit our older daughter and her family, and the cooler fall weather while we were there, and bringing home some Midwest sweet corn.
- the people that the Lord is putting in my days, and watching the way He is working things out according to His plan.
- a visit with one of our daughters, granddaughter and great-grandson
- our local grandson's second birthday
- safe travel
- cooler temperatures and a bit of rain
- maturity
a visit with friends we hadn't seen in quite awhile, and their help with something that needed a few more hands and strong backs
- when my goats got loose, they stayed right by the fence so I didn't have to go find them in the woods. Or else I went outside right after they went through the fence and they didn't have time to go far. Either way, I'm thankful they didn't wander and weren't lost in a big way. I'm also thankful that Rosie, our LGD, didn't go through the fence with them; she would have gone exploring and they probably would have followed her.

- that the goats hadn't gotten out in YEARS

- a blue heron on the pond

- Splash's help with the "visiting" cow herd
- a great white egret on the pond this morning, even though it scared Ella when it flew up off the pond behind her, and she barely missed running into me.
- that Ella is so careful that she tried really hard not to run into me.
- mornings that are cooling down as summer winds down, with dew-wet grass that shows the dogs' tracks as they run across the yard. I love fall and I'm savoring every sign that it's coming soon.
- the apples on our trees that are just days away from being ripe. We're looking forward to our favorite apple desserts, jars of apple jelly on the cupboard shelves, and frozen apple slices for smoothies. in the meantime, the horses are enjoying the windfalls. They're not crazy about carrots and other treats but they love apples.
- our county fair is over!
- the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Where would I be without Him? Lost, that's where. I once was lost, but now I'm found, and I am so grateful.
- Our son's family had a small fire in their house this week. Due to quick thinking and God's grace, the damage was very minimal and easily fixed. We're thankful someone was home when it happened, that falling debris did not land on the bathroom rug, and that all turned out ok. It could have been tragic, but was just an inconvenience.
- the rain we've had this week that will green up my friend's hayfield and once the hay is baled and ready, we'll go get our winter's supply.
- the cooler weather we've had this week. Two cold fronts came through behind the rainstorms and I even wore a jacket one day
- hot summer weather and insect invasions have resulted in the end of my summer garden. I regret that, but I'm thankful that my daily workload is less and that I no longer have to water it.
- the sunflowers that surround my garden with their cheerful faces. Soon they'll dry up and the goldfinches will appear to eat the seeds; I'll be thankful for them too.

August 2019
- I'm kidney stone-free!
- our oldest grandson's birthday this week
- that the end of summer is within sight. It's not here yet, or even next week, but the awful temperatures are beginning to go down very slowly in the forecast.
- the neighbors are all baling their hayfields this week. It's time to call my friend and see if she has baled hers yet, and make arrangements to buy some.
- meeting a friend for breakfast and a visit
- I'm always thankful for air-conditioning in August in Oklahoma.
- the wild sunflowers growing in an unused raised bed in the garden, and another patch of them growing in front of a large item that needs to be taken to the dump. This patch hides that piece of junk and makes the yard look much more cheerful. The sunflowers themselves aren't large, not the big foot-wide heads with seeds that humans like to snack on; the flowers are only about four inches from petal-tip to petal-tip, and while the seeds are loved by goldfinches and other songbirds, they certainly aren't the type that people like to eat. But the stalks are much higher than my head, and each stalk hosts a bouquet of flowers. I'm thankful that a bird planted that single seed in the yard a few years ago.
- the opportunity to babysit our toddler grandson one day this week
- people who can work together without drama
- reaching a goal
- what I hope is the end of my latest health issues
- my garden survived (mostly) in spite of my lack of energy, drought and the oppressive heat.
- the return of my health
- a bit of rain over the weekend
- volunteer tomatoes (snow white, my favorites!)
- the last month of summer
- looking forward

July 2019
- cool mornings in July
- the shade in my garden in the morning from the big old oak tree
- tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers from the garden
- a day spent babysitting our grandson
- Ella, my horse's beautiful summer coat that shines red in the summer sun
- our 45th wedding anniversary
- tomorrow's forecast for a cooler day
- air conditioning (yes, I'm always thankful for a/c in the summer)
- watering the garden when it's still relatively cool in the morning
- fly masks for the horses
- air conditioning
- the half dozen red tomatoes I've harvested so far (better late than never)
- getting the last of the tomato and pepper plants in the ground
- cool mornings before the day gets hot
- pancakes for dinner

June 2019
- spending time with our family
- new friends
- breakfast with an old friend
- our vet, and that Scooter is ok
- cool mornings even though they promise hot afternoons
- visiting our children and grandchildren in another state
- trusted neighbors who do our chores while we're gone
- our LGD did NOT get out while we were gone this time
- rain to water the garden
- plums ripening on the trees
- plenty of rain (there's no sense in being upset about too much rain!)
- new friends and new opportunities
- good neighbors
- spending time with our granddaughter this summer
- green tomatoes in the garden
- my dad, whose birthday would have been today
- my mother-in-law, who shared her birthday with our son
- our son's 30th birthday
- our granddaughter's visit
- surprising our son
- surprises
- our family visiting
- a neighbor's help
- a family birthday
- the first baby tomato in the garden

May 2019
- family coming to visit
- a birthday in our family
- working on a project
- the chicks moving out of the house to the coop's grow-out pen
- the predicted tornadoes did not occur
- spotting the first summer tanager
- "turtle migration season" 
- a turkey crossing the road
- the tiny hummingbird that sits on top of the swingset
- the armadillo in the yard that thankfully wasn't a skunk
- my mother
- my children and grandchildren
- a day without rain to work in the garden
- our hummingbird families are back for the summer
- wildflowers
- Amazon's Prime shipping when I really need it
- plenty of rain
- the return of the hummingbirds
- a small improvement in our old horse's condition
- spring flowers

April 2019
- the beauty and fragrance of roses
- hummingbirds arguing over the feeders
- tiny green fruit on the plum and apple trees
- deer in the hay meadow
- sunny spring days spent in the garden
- blooms on the apple trees
- swallowtail butterflies
- our vet and equine dentist
- new chicks
- and most of all, Resurrection Day
- lunch with a friend
- thunderstorms (as long as they aren't damaging)
- plenty of rain to bring the pasture back to life
- deer in the hay field 
- the redbuds in bloom
Once again - for the second time in less than a month - I'm thankful for our volunteer firefighters, who were on the job all night long Wednesday when a brush fire was pushed by high winds along the ravine behind our hay field. We always have a few fires out there each year, but never this close. As night descended we could see the glow of the flames in the trees, and then we saw the flashing red lights of fire trucks and white lights moving through the trees as the firefighters went to work. We are thankful that they are willing to give up a night's sleep to keep us safe.

March 2019
- beautiful springtime weather
- flowering trees everywhere!
- our pasture and hayfield slowly changing from brown to green
- more eggs from the hens
- listening to the frogs singing at night
- fruit trees in bloom
- watching the honey bees fly in and out of their hive
- seeing the first robin and the first butterfly of the season
- a sea of purple henbit flowers in the lawn
- finding eight brown eggs in the nestbox
- ducks on our pond
- what might be our last frost
- the plum trees on the brink of blooming
- withstanding the wind
- finding forgotten treasures
- our volunteer firefighters
- a pair of Canada geese on the pond one evening
- henbit blooming in the yard, the first tiny flowers of spring
- Rosie, our LGD, barking at night to keep predators away
- weather forecasters that warn us of coming storms so we can prepare

February 2019
- signs of the coming spring
- a new white rose bush
- friends' birthdays
- a nice dinner out with hubby
- surprise mail
- spending an afternoon and lunch with our grandson
- phone calls from our daughters
- texts from our granddaughter (because that's how teens communicate!)
- hugs from the dogs
- that my breadmaker died while we were at home and could get it out of the house. Maybe it wouldn't have caused a fire, but maybe it would have. It was really hot!
- two family birthdays
- a new bare-root rosebush
- that we didn't get as much freezing rain as predicted
- a walk through the hayfield to check the fences
- watching the horses gallop through the open gate to graze in the hayfield
- napping cats curled up on the couch
- finding henbit growing in sheltered places
- remembering that the plum trees will bloom early next month
- a weekend of warm weather
- a new job for a family member

January 2019
- my birthday
- some amazing upcoming opportunities
- warmer weather in the forecast
- realizing some new truths
- setting limits
- no snow, in spite of the forecast
- a new round bale for the horses
- hubby's tractor
- going home early
- hope
- a divine appointment
- a new job for a family member
- a horsey blessing
- the horses enjoying their hay bale
- new friends
- a trailer of hay bales
- lunch with our kids
- a beautifully warm winter day
- lengthening sunlight hours
- leaning on the Lord during a hard month

Silver Sunday

With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord: “He is good; His love toward Israel endures forever.” And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.
Ezra 3:11 NIV


A Simple, Joyful Life in 2020

A Thankful Life in 2018
